Communication And Relationships

Communications totally depend on your description of the relationship but first, we must be relating in some kind of a way for us to even exchange a hello word. So is the case with the ones around you. Couples, siblings, parents, co-workers, teachers, students, and the list goes on.

Communication And Relationships

I just need to let you know about this...
Every relationship deserves respect. Now, aside, every relationship deserves COMMUNICATION and not just any other kind of communication but one with a lot of love, sincerity, understanding & openness. A communication that is not forced but easy.

Any good communication is a sacrifice that is mutual,  it shouldn't burden you. Every single conversation had is a source of happiness or a lesson learned.
Every kind of communication has either life or death in it from how you package your words. Words hurt. Words kill but the same words can heal and bring life back into a soul.

Any good communication is a sacrifice because nobody sits around waiting to chat with you. Even the one lazing around is so busy doing nothing. 
It's through communication that countries that were once enemies became friends. 

Make them feel special, thought of, wanted, loved. I mean, make them feel like they are the only beings existing. Did you know that animals too do communicate? Now go out and be better with your words. Let good and peaceful communication be your tag always. 

And this! This is how I've managed to communicate with you.