Delicious Black Beans Chili Recipe

The flavour of these black beans chili is more complex, with savoury notes from the garlic, earthiness from the ground cumin, coriander, and smoky flavour from the caramelized onions and smoked paprika.

Delicious Black Beans Chili Recipe

This easy black bean chili is thick, creamy, tangy, and delicious with the perfect amount of chilies.

Variations and substitutions

You can use a can of crushed or whole tomatoes instead of tomato paste. If you are using whole tomatoes, mash them up with a potato masher before adding the beans.

You can opt to use navy beans in place of black beans when making white bean green chili.

You can garnish your black bean chili with green pumpkin seeds.

If you are making pinto beans chili, use green bell peppers in place of red ones and swap out the black beans for pinto beans.

Good garnish choices for pinto beans chili include grated cheddar cheese and chopped green onions.

Add a beef cube to the black bean chili to enhance its flavor by giving it a beef flavor.

Reduce the water by a half cup if you prefer your black bean chili to be thicker.

Preparing black beans chili

Black bean chili is prepared by caramelizing onions with bell pepper, tomato paste, garlic, and seasonings.

Over medium-high heat, add 14 cup of olive oil to a big pot. When the oil is hot, add the onion and garlic, and sauté them for about 3 minutes while stirring occasionally. Add seeded and finely chopped green bell peppers to the stew. Drain and rinse any canned beans you plan to use.


3½ cups cooked or canned black beans

1 onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

¼ cup olive oil

1 red bell pepper

⅓ cup of tomato paste

1 tablespoon chili powder

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 bunch fresh cilantro

1 cup crumbled feta cheese


Add the vegetable oil to a large deep pot over medium-high heat.

When the oil is hot, add the onion and garlic, and sauté them for about 3 minutes while stirring occasionally.

Chop the bell pepper into tiny cubes and add them to the pot then drain and rinse the beans, if you are using canned beans.

Add the tomato paste, chili powder, powdered cumin, and smoked paprika to the vegetables in the pot.

Stir the mixture often and allow it to cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until the mixture darkens and smells good.

Add the water into the pot while stirring to scrape up any browned parts that may have stuck on the base and walls of the pot.

Add the beans, stir and allow the mixture should simmer gently but steadily for about 5 minutes, or until it thickens. 1 cup cilantro leaves should be chopped.

Thinly chop the cilantro leaves and stems then crumble the feta cheese into small pieces.

Taste and adjust the seasoning when the stew is finished cooking.

Serve the beans in a bowl or plate and garnish with the cilantro and feta cheese.


Black bean chili is a vegetarian chili that can be served with warmed tortillas, rice, cornbread or any other preferred dish. It tastes great when combined with spaghetti.