Ladies, Here Is How To Lose Weight And Burn Fat While You Sleep

Though it is not exactly possible to lose weight overnight, There are tips you can utilize in your own life to burn more fats while you sleep. Here are all the ways you to make your body more efficient for weight loss,

Ladies, Here Is How To Lose Weight And Burn Fat While You Sleep

Phone screens, bedtime, and other daily habits might be why your body is stubbornly holding on to weight.

1. Sleep More

It seems impossible that sleeping is the fastest route to weight loss, but a lack of sleep actually causes the body to produce fewer fullness hormones, while it produces more ghrelin, a hormone that promotes hunger. Being tired equals being hungry, so get that rest.

2.Sleep In Refreshing Temperature

Sleeping in a hot room lowers your ability to metabolize fat. When you turn down that thermostat (66 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal) you increase the ability to metabolize fat, and also increase the amount of calorie-burning fat in your body by a huge 42%. It will also make insulin sensitivity better, lowering the risks of diabetes. Sleep naked to enhance these benefits!

3. Get Curtains

If the street light comes in through your window, you may want to invest in shades or curtains. After the sun sets, our bodies naturally produce melatonin, but both indoor lights and dim streetlights can slow the onset of melatonin being produces in our bodies. Tossing and turning from light might be what’s stopping you from shedding pounds.

4. Do Intermittent Fasting At Night

This restricted eating schedule keeps your body healthy. It allows for cell repair but can feel extreme for those who are used to eating throughout the day. When fasting, the human growth hormone increase, allowing muscles to synthesize. Start by creating a no-food window at night that lasts approximately 12 hours. 

5. Do Not Use Your Phone

Phones and laptop screens emit blue light, which keeps our systems wide awake, signaling that it’s daytime. Switch your phones to “night shift” or set a cutoff time for electronic devices. If you don’t, it’ll increase hunger and resistance to insulin.

6. Having Smaller Meals

While it’s tempting to wolf down a massive burrito or steaming heap of mac and cheese right before bed, eating large meals will make your body work to digest it rather than properly recharging. So avoid big meals — especially carbs. A big lunch is fine, but try to stick with plant-based ingredients that are naturally high in fiber. 

7. Incorporate Resistance Training

Workouts will help you sleep at night, and can also help you lose weight more so than a cardio-only routine. Resistance training boosts your metabolism and allows for fat-burning to occur hours after. An easy weight lifting routine will suffice — no need to over-exert yourself. Follow up with a high-protein snack. If weightlifting gives you too much energy, make sure to do this a few hours before bedtime.

8. Taking Hot Showers At Night.