Mixed Reactions as Courageous Woman Fights Thief on Camera {VIDEO}

Netizens have applauded a woman who was capture on a CCTV camera fighting a thief who attempted to snatch her phone on the streets.

According to the video, the woman alleged to be a Mpesa agent is seen walking reluctantly unaware of what awaits her in the next minute.

One man is also seen walking in her direction amid to pass but he immediately snatches the phone and dashes away towards a car that was behind the lady.

The lady reacts so fast and goes after him before the man opens the door the lady approaches and attacks the thief fearlessly.

It is at that point that the public came for her help.

Netizens also added that it's a new trick that robbers use. They snatch phones, laptop bags and flee to spreading targeted cars leaving you confused.

In Nairobi among the are named to be more dangerous in the phone, snatching are: River Road, Kirinyaga road, Tom Mboya street, Ronald Ngala street, Racecourse road, Haile Sellasie Avenue, Landhies Road, Jogoo Road, Ring Road Ngara, and Juja Road Junction from Kariokor and Githurai Roundabout