The 4 Venezuelans

Raila Alleges 4 Venezuelans are In Kenya

The 4 Venezuelans
Raila Odinga, Azimio la Umoja Leader

The Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition leader, Raila Odinga now claims that the 4 Venezuelans are in the country, residing in Maasai Mara Launge. Raila alleges that the four met the Independent Electral Boundaries Commission(IEBC) chairman, Wafula Chebukati and the Communication Authority of Kenya Chairman Ezra Chiloba. 

While speaking at Kamkunji On Sunday, Raila said that they were able to track the foreigners down to where they are residing. The fou, according to Raila, were on a mission to tamper with the IEBC servers while they were awaiting for the opening of the servers, Raila holds onto his thoughts that he won the elections but was denied leadership and handed over to President William Ruto.

This comes in a time where the country awaits for the bipartisan talks. The IEBC is among the major issues that the Raila mentioned needed to be resolved. He wants the "Cherera four" to be retained and the servers to be opened among other claims.