Unbelievable! See This Bananas That Turn Blue When Ripe


Unbelievable! See This Bananas That Turn Blue When Ripe
Unbelievable! See This Bananas That Turn Blue When Ripe
Unbelievable! See This Bananas That Turn Blue When Ripe

Ever since we were young, I know we are used to seeing the ordinary bananas, which are green when unripe and then yellow when they are fully ripe. However, in this article, I am going to take you through a different type of banana and how it’s grown. These bananas are blue in color, and they aren’t common in Africa.
These bananas have different kinds of genes, which make their phenotype (appearance) different from the ordinary bananas. These bananas are commonly found in Asian countries extending to Australia and New Zealand. The only factor that allows the growth of these plants in these regions is the temperature. These crops are said to be commanding temperatures as low as 4 degrees Celsius, something which is hard to find in our continent.
The African temperatures are usually high and therefore limit their growth simply because Africa is found chiefly within the tropics as opposed to the temperate countries.
However, it is said that something that is challenging does not mean it is impossible. The growth of these bananas can be realized in greenhouses or glasses.  The room’s temperature needs to be regulated and lowered such that the threshold of forty Fahrenheit is realized.
It takes around nine months for a young sucker to develop into a mature plant and eventually bear fruits. Once ready to be harvested, the plant becomes thick and blue.