2 Reasons You Shouldn’t Allow People Sit on Your Bed 

It is a good idea to always try stopping your girlfriend, boyfriend sister, or mother from sitting on your bed. This is not a sign of throwing or rather chasing them away but for health and hygienic purposes. 

2 Reasons You Shouldn’t Allow People Sit on Your Bed 

Well, below are the major reasons.
1. Spreading Bacteria 
Remember people move with clothes from place to place and the same way they carry with themselves bacterias and remember they stick on clothes like glue and trust me getting rid of them can be disastrous at times.
Scientifically bacteria may exist on your garments for some weeks or even months. And brand-new clothes can be tainted with germs, so taking off your top in 12 hours before you sit in bed is an intelligent idea. 

2. Your bed is a haven of comfort & protection
Your bed is special and Private for God`s sake and therefore train yourself not to welcome everybody. Remember your brain, associates the bed with comfort and hotness, which greatly leads to healthy sleep