5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened

5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened
door that has not been opened in years
5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened
5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened
5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened
5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened
5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened
5 Mysterious Doors That Can Never be Opened

 if someone took an effort to lock a place away there must be something intriguing and important waiting. however, some of these mysteries better remain unsolved.

Here are five of the world's most fascinating and mysterious locked doors, that would be probably left unopened.

5.The hidden chamber of the Taj Mahal

the Taj Mahal is one of the most popular tourist attractions in India and the world.it was first built in 1631 shah Jahan begin it. which was to be a monument for his late wife Mumtaz Mahal who died giving birth to their 14th child.

Below the palace their some stores with an entrance shield and have never been accessed in years, It is believed to have 1089 rooms in that hidden level and there is another floor hiding about 22 rooms, hidden behind Hindu paint works.

Questions a lot of people are asking is what is hidden in this area? and also why did he keep people away from accessing the area? According to one theory, it hides the monument itself of the women and he did that to be seeing her late wife and decided to hide because it's against the law of the Hindu.

some people also believe the person remains in the room and the spirit is still in the room.

4.Padmanabha Swamy Temple.

this temple is one of India's most popular and visited temples. located in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala India. the temple and its assets belong to lord Palnuvera.

in 2011 there was a portion in the Indian supreme court, over the management of it and claims came that some management was not much concerned about the resources.in response to the claim, the supreme court appointed a 7 man committee, to look upon the matter and the resources in the temple, and what was discovered was six doors with secret vaults to house many of the temple treasures, and which makes it mysterious even in the eyes of the public, upon opening the doors, the temple appears to have 22 billion dollars worthy of Gold and idols, elephant, necklace and coins. they also discover jewels and ceremonial customs and most of them are large diamonds.

visitors today, will see metal detectors and security cameras just to ensure the items are safe and 200 guards on the outside. It seems they are guarding something bigger than even the government doesn't want it to be exposed to. because out of the doors only 5 were opened and no one knows why and what is inside it. Amazingly, it only needs certain rituals to open but people who can open it don't exist.

3.Beneath the mausoleum of the first qin emperor

in 1974, brothers digging a well in the china met a mysterious entrance into a place and did not know they are making a discovery like no other in the whole of China and opening an entrance to somewhere else. finding segments and excavation took years and discovery took decades that full the discovery won't be very soon, but a section of it is yet to be unleashed.

The first discovery was 7000 terracotta statues, they were erected to protect the emperor and the surrounding, but after the beginning of the excavation, all the five men who found the discovery suffered from unknown sickness and died slowly. better they could let it go.

2.Banf spring Hotel Room 873

in Egypt, it's only the pyramids and monument where you could find mysterious doors, where no one has ever accessed. An example of a place like that is in Albana Canada, in an 8th follow of a certain hotel called Banf spring where there is a missing door and where the door should be, you will only find an empty wall but a door still exist behind the wall and when you knock you will know there is a hollow room inside.

according to the people who have been there for some time, long ago a married couple checked in room 873, with a small kid, in the middle of the night something happened with the husband and he killed his wife and daughter before taking his own life. After the incident then the hotel renovated the room and started renting it again and thought that will be the end of the tragedy.

It continued and guests could find mysterious things in the morning and hear footsteps inside the room in the middle of the night. The hotel then decided to lock the door fully and nobody can access the room again.

considering that incident the room remains one of the world's mysterious doors the is still locked.

1.Hall of Records.

The great Giza pyramids, and among the most iconic places in Egypt and the world, and it's an impressive field of architecture and arts, however, is one of this stature hiding one of the most mysterious locked doors?

its believed that people of Ancient Egypt had knowledge that other people could dream of, how else could they have made such an impressive piece of art such as the pyramids.

its believed that somewhere in Egypt it lays a book, that shows how and the way those arts were made. it's called the hall of records, but the government of Egypt has not allowed any further excavation in those sites. what are the caves hiding?

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