5 Things That Make People Don’t Respect You

According to narratives, respect is something that is earned and it's one of the most important things in life that one can earn from others. To gain the respect we must give respect. However, there are times in life when we unknowingly do things that may affect the level of respect people have for us.

5 Things That Make People Don’t Respect You

Well below are the 4 key important things you need to know that might earn or lose your respect.

1.Interrupting others While still Speaking
Always avoid interrupting people while talking this is because people might start ignoring you since you lack some simple respect for them. People will think that their points will not be heard when you are around.

2. Not following through
It is good to follow up on people especially when you're working in public organizations where you deal with a lot of people. This is because if you fail to follow up, you'll likely start losing trust and respect from people. 

3. Less Considerate

This gives the impression that you are selfish and unthoughtful. When people realize that their feelings don't matter to you, they will stop considering you a friend or family apparently you will start losing respect from them.

4. Bragging

It's okay to brag and tell people what you do and your achievements but overdoing it is dangerous. people hate those who over shows off but simple fellows.