Are Eggs Really Good For Your Health? Here Is The Truth


Are Eggs Really Good For Your Health? Here Is The Truth
Are Eggs Really Good For Your Health? Here Is The Truth
Are Eggs Really Good For Your Health? Here Is The Truth

There is always a talk going around that people are not supposed to consume a certain number of eggs per week. That is up to you to decide because the consumption of eggs should depend on the occupation you are in. Some careers require a high intake of proteins, while some discourage people from taking a given number of eggs. Nonetheless, eating an egg daily possesses more benefits to your life than threats. An egg comes with numerous benefits that I’m going to highlight to you today. Some of these benefits include the following:

  1. Source of protein

Well, this might be the most prominent element in an egg. Eggs supply the much-needed proteins to the human body. The proteins are required to develop new body tissues or repair the damaged or worn-out ones, hence being termed as body-building foods.

       2. Boosts the IQ

Eggs contain a substance called Omega-3s that is very vital in developing the brain. If one is fed with eggs, primarily in the case of young babies or infants, their brains develop faster, and the child gets a higher IQ compared to that of an average child who never took the eggs.

       3. Source of antioxidants

Believe me or not, eggs are one of the sources of antioxidants required by the body. Antioxidants burn down free radicals that are contained in the blood.