African Day

What To Celebrate on African Day.

African Day
African Day

In a historic sence, the day commemorates the day African countries signed the character of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)  on May 25th, 1963, which later changed to African Union (AU).  At this time, only 30 of the African countries had attained independence from colonial rule. 

the AU supports the Independence of the African countries and promotes economic and political cooperation which ensures all Africans lived freely in all prospects.

Other than this, Africa also have a lot of diversity to be celebrated. Each year at this time, Africans celebrate steps they have made towards achieveiving inclucive and sustainable development. Over the years, Africans have been working towards a more stable ecomomy and politics. 

Aside from democracy, Africa is a continent with diverse culture which has always stood out. Africa stands is always the best destinations for vacations and enjoyments.. The beauty of the countries, the climate, and the wild animals make the best destinations. 

However, some of the things that are still holding Africa behind includes communal violence and conflicts, terrorism, political instability amongst other major problems.