Attention Men! Natural Ways to Know You Are the Biological Father of a Child

Several times men are forced to father children from unknown fellow men just out of love and desperation but in today's article that will be agone story since as a father you will be able to use natural ways to know if the child is yours or not in the absence of DNA Test. I mean it hurts fathering your fellow man`s child. It's like being robbed especially when you were lied to.

Attention Men! Natural Ways to Know You Are the Biological Father  of a Child

Below are the natural ways you can use to know if the child is yours or not:

1.Resemblance and appearance

If you’ve fathered a child, trust me there will have to be a general resemblance and this can be particularly on skin colour.

For instance, your chocolate in colour and your wife too but your child turns out too dark or vice-versa chances are that you're not the biological father of that child be wise


 Your Biological child will have to acquire some of your characteristics skills and behaviors even if it means acquiring them 1out of 10and if you can't find any then chances can be that you are fathering your fellow man`s child.

3.Emotional Connections

There is always a connection between you and your child either Spiritual or emotional and so you can always tell a child is yours at first sight. ironically if you can't feel anything towards your child, then you need to follow that matter closely.

4. Tracking the menstrual cycle

As a man, you can download the menstrual cycle application on your phone or track the menstrual cycle of your woman naturally. Remember this will always help you in solving issues of fathering unknown children.