Becoming Vegetarian

More people are going vegan and you may want to try being vegan or vegetarian due to health, environmental or religious reasons. First you ought to know the difference. Considering they both exclude meat from their diets, vegetarians will consider animal products like eggs, milk and dairy products while vegans do not consume anything from animals even skin and fur.

Becoming Vegetarian

More people are going vegan and you may want to try being vegan or vegetarian due to health, environmental or religious reasons. First you ought to know the difference. Considering they both exclude meat from their diets, vegetarians will consider animal products like eggs, milk and dairy products while vegans do not consume anything from animals even skin and fur. If you are a lifelong meat eater, then it’s going to be hard. So, you’ve decided to go vegan but where do you start? Here are some ideas and guidelines to structure your transition to veganism, just be sure to tailor them to your specific needs.

Start at a comfortable pace

Going vegan for the first time is hard. You can start by cutting out all the meat for a few days before considering cutting out the dairy products and eggs. Do not be hard on yourself. Just because you cheated on a certain day doesn’t mean you cannot go back to being vegan. Just remember that sticking to your diet will get easier as you keep on keeping on.

Load up on fruits and vegetables

It will always be tempting to eat the meat but once you have your vegetables and fruits on sight, you will always stick to what you ought to be eating. Keeping in mind that most fruits and vegetables are not calorically dense, be sure to consume dark greened vegetables like spinach and broccoli that will provide enough calorie nutrient.

Grains are also good for you.

You will also need an alternative for the nutrients found in the animal products and since most grains and legumes contain them, ensure you stock up on the same. They will provide a steady source of complex carbohydrates and will leave you feeling full for long. Most importantly they are a rich source of fiber which will help reduce inflammation and be a great tool for weight management.

Always eat fresh

Being a vegan or vegetarian will include consumption of a lot of fruits and vegetables. You are advised to pick on the fresh ones and learn to buy them whenever you need them. Buying fresh produce brings vibrational energy compared to canned or preserved foods. Also normalize preparing your own food at home.

Get simple vegan recipes  

It will be exciting fir you to learn new vegan recipes and incorporating them in your lifestyle. If you love cookery, then, you will find fun in trying new recipes. In addition to that, incorporate recipes that contain ingredients that are easily available so that you don’t feel discouraged.

Good luck!!!