Blood Group and Diseases.

Do you know your blood group and how that relates to your health?

Blood Group and Diseases.
blood types
Blood Group and Diseases.

Did you know that your blood group can tell you something about your health?

Blood type is the classification of blood depending on the presence of antibodies and inherited antigens like the protein rhesus. 

There are groups in which blood is classified. A, B AB and O. Then there is the antigen found in blood - inherited protein - known as rhesus. You can either be a Rhesus positive (presence of the protein) or Rhesus negative (the absence of the protein).

Blood classification helps in determining who can donate blood to who and who can receive blood from whom. People with blood group AB+ are the universal recipients, meaning they can receive blood from anyone. People of blood group O-, can donate blood to anyone but only receive blood from O and AB.

Your blood will also, in a small percentage of the population, play a role in your fertility.

Certain illnesses are more likely to affect people of certain blood groups.

  • Heart diseases mostly affect blood type A, AB and B because of the presence of clotting factors in their blood.
  • A, AB, and B blood types are at a higher risk of stomach and pancreatic cancer compared to O.
  • AB blood types are more likely to suffer from memory problems and stroke than any other blood type.
  • Type Os are afflicted by ulcers more than others but are less likely to get malaria and blood clots.
  • Researchers say that type Os tend to live longer because of lower chances of heart diseases.
  • A and B blood types are at a higher risk of diabetes but more research is needed to figure out why.

This is why it is important to know your blood group. Having sufficient knowledge will help you make the right decisions when it comes to your health. For those more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, you can cut down on food rich in cholesterol. For those at a higher risk of diabetes, you can make dietary changes to help with your insulin levels before it becomes a problem.

Blood typing is done in any medical hospital. Go find out your blood group and everything else you need to know to stay healthy.