Creamy Orange Smoothie Recipe

This thick and creamy banana smoothie with orange and vanilla flavors makes the perfect nutrition-packed breakfast delight.

Creamy Orange Smoothie Recipe

What you need for the creamy orange smoothie

Frozen banana: The frozen banana serves as a triple threat, thickening the smoothie, chilling it so you don't need ice, and adding natural sweetness.

Oranges: This smoothie would be incomplete if it didn't have oranges. To make it a bit easier to combine, use chunks of seedless oranges.

Milk: Regular cow's milk, unsweetened soy milk, coconut milk, or unsweetened almond milk are all good options.

Plain Greek yogurt: This gives your smoothie a creamier texture and a little more staying power, so you stay fuller for longer

Vanilla Extract: The vanilla is what gives the smoothie its extra taste.

Honey or maple syrup are both good options. If you want to boost the sweetness of your smoothie, use these natural sweeteners.

How to make a fruit smoothie

The following is a step-by-step guide to producing a great fruit smoothie:

First, add some liquid to the blender, fruit juice, water, yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, or any other type of milk.

Add any fiber foods, such as spinach or other greens.

Add frozen fruits and vegetables. Smoothies are commonly made using frozen bananas and strawberries, although any frozen fruit can be used.

Toss in any fresh fruits or vegetables you like, such as fresh strawberries or avocado.

Add your favorite nutrition add-ins such as protein powder, collagen, chia seeds, turmeric, or anything else to increase the nutrients of the smoothie.

Blend until everything is completely combined and the smoothie is silky.

Smoothie-making tips

In your smoothies, use any milk you like; most people prefer unsweetened and unflavored varieties. You'll have the most control over the smoothie this way.

Frozen fruits are added to thicken and cool the smoothie, achieving the desired texture and temperature without diluting it. You can, however, add a handful of ice cubes to the blender to make your smoothie thick and chilly.

To sweeten your smoothie, use natural sweeteners like dates, honey, or maple syrup. Sweeteners can be used if desired.

To make a healthier smoothie, add chia seeds, protein powder, hemp seeds, or flax seeds.

If you don't like bananas in your smoothie, replace the frozen banana with an additional amount of plain Greek yogurt and a handful of ice cubes. Canned pineapple, sweetened yogurt, and canned pears can also be used. Ripe avocado can assist to compensate for the smoothness and creaminess that bananas generally provide.

Use plant-based Greek yogurt and plant-based milk in vegan smoothies, and maple syrup instead of honey.


1 orange, peeled

1 frozen banana

1 cup unsweetened milk (nut, soy, animal)

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Optional add-ins

Honey or maple syrup, to taste

2 tablespoons nut butters, nuts, or seeds

2 tablespoons of nutrition boosts 


Place all smoothie ingredients together in a blender including the add-ins.

Blend well until smooth and creamy.

Pour smoothie into serving glasses; top with Greek yogurt or whipped cream, banana, and orange slices.

Benefits of creamy orange smoothie

This smoothie can be a good supply of antioxidants and other vitamins that the body needed to stay healthy. It has a significant amount of vitamin C, which can be found in both bananas and oranges. Folic acid is a complex vitamin found in orange juice, which is used in the mixing of this smoothie and is enhanced by the addition of bananas.

This flavor of smoothie is high in potassium and vitamin B6, as well as other important elements like phytochemicals, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids. Drinking the combined nutrients of these two fruits has numerous health benefits, as the smoothie helps to maintain good cholesterol levels and may reduce the risk of cancer

Additionally, drinking this smoothie on a regular basis may help improve or maintain good blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, strengthen the immune system, and even keep your eyes healthy.


Oranges and bananas blend together perfectly, especially in this creamy orange smoothie. The banana's sweetness wonderfully balances the orange's tangy acidity. The combination of these fruits gives a variety of nutritional benefits and aids in the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.