Her love for pictures told it all, mother says

Celine Neema, a two and a half year old baby has always shown her love for the African culture in all she does.

Her love for pictures told it all, mother says

For two years now, her love for modelling and African culture has been top in all her daily activities.

Celine Neema, a two and a half years old baby from Migosi in Kisumu Central Sub- County, Kisumu County, has been engulfed with beauty of African and it’s traditional practices since when she was months old.

During an interview with her mother, Christina Adhiambo, she said that she noted her daughter’s love for photos from the constant smiles and poses that she would exchange while taking her pictures.

“I noticed about her love for photos when she was months old , I used to take her photos with my phone , telling her to smile and she does,” she said.

Neema has also been privileged to participate on the Rossy Tissue baby challenge held last year July where she managed to be among the top ten.

The proud mother joyously said that Neema was a gift and a light to her heart and family after she lost her first born.

“My daughter is a jovial and loving baby , she is my rainbow baby after losing my first born,” said the mother.

Her love for the nature of Africa promises a bright future to the family even though she has not been to any modelling industry.

Her mother, however, prays that her daughter will one day get a good mentor to walk her through the journey as she has no knowledge about the field.

“She needs a good mentor who can walk with her through that journey , I don’t know more about it,” said the mother.

To see her daughter journey through the field, Adhiambo opened her daughter social media accounts which she mans on her behalf due to her age.

Neema loves doing Matoke and uji and acts willingly setting her own poses.