How to Raise up Intelligent and Bright Kids

Children are a blessing from God and many parents worry a lot about how they will bring up bright and very intelligent children in the near future. Well if you've been having such thoughts then worry no more.

How to Raise up Intelligent and Bright Kids

What is intelligence

It is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. It can also be defined as a general mental ability for reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. Because of its general nature, intelligence integrates cognitive functions such as perception, attention, memory, language, and planning.

Meaning of bright: it is the ability to quickly learn things.
As a parent or a parent to be the following are what you need to do in order to bring up a bright and intelligent child.
1. Speak well of and to them
Encourage them by praising and affirming them in your speech. Focus on the work they put in and the progress they made rather than the outcome they should have gotten, even if they fail. Because they have seen you do it previously and you have done it with them, for instance, you have given them the duty of cleaning utensils.
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They are by themselves this time. They did a good job, however, they left a lot of oil stuck in some plates Instead of getting irritated, acknowledge their efforts because, with enough repetition, they will master the skill and perform with ease.
2. Love and care for them

When a child knows that they are loved by their parents or caregivers, they will blossom in their relationships, academics and activities. Be firm, but pleasant to them. Delight in them. Tell them you are proud of them even if they goof at times (which may be many times in a day); it is part of learning and growing.  

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3. Responsibility

Give them tasks that are suitable for their abilities and interests at their age, and as they get older, challenge them to take on more. For instance, cleaning the property, doing the dishes, or cooking dinner for the family. They will be delighted and assured when they realize that the family depends on them to perform in a particular area. Even the most rebellious kids have been known to learn discipline by being given jobs or duties as they start to form a positive self-image. It also fosters creativity.

4. Give them time to think

You are not required to respond to every inquiry they make. You might prevent them from learning. They are somewhat capable of thinking for themselves if they can tie their own shoelaces and take a shower. help the process along. Let them come up with and support their own ideas. Give them direction and direct them to conduct research. Allow them to Google that information if you have a smartphone, then have them come back to you to fill in the blanks. Be their ideas' sounding board.

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Tell them they can talk to you about their thoughts at any time. You are fostering partnerships while also enhancing their capacity for critical thought and boosting their self-assurance.

5. Motivate them regularly

The Latin verb movere, which means "to stir, arouse, excite, and move," is the source of motivation. What inspires your kid? What is it about you that excites them and makes them want to move? You ought to know, you're a parent.

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Is it leading teams, playing sports, playing the piano, singing, writing, or solving arithmetic problems? Encourage them to pursue their gifts, whatever they may be.