Ladies Avoid These Stuff During your Menses

There are different kinds of stuff that ladies should completely avoid especially when they're on their period.

Ladies Avoid These Stuff During your Menses

Well below are a list of stuff that you should avoid as a lady during your menses to remain fertile and failure to adhere to them can cause your barrenness.

1.During your period never drink iced water, sparkling water, or cocoon.

2.Do not use shampoo. It is because the pores of the skull are open and can cause headaches.

3.Don't eat cucumbers when you are in time because cucumber sap can block certain periods in the uterine wall and cause infertility.

4.Also, the body of a lady not to be hit or affected by hard objects, particularly her abdomen, because it can cause vomiting of the blood, which may injure the uterus and can lead to complications.