Major Reasons Why Your Vagina Itches

We tend to ignore the freedom we have when we have nothing disturbing us. For instance, when we have a headache we yearn to have it calmed down and when we are fine we ignore how lucky we are to be without pain. Just like when every other thing is going well on our lower part, until we are all itchy and can hardly focus on any other thing.

Major Reasons Why Your Vagina Itches

We tend to ignore the freedom we have when we have nothing disturbing us. For instance, when we
have a headache we yearn to have it calmed down and when we are fine we ignore how lucky we are to
be without pain. Just like when every other thing is going well on our lower part, until we are all itchy
and can hardly focus on any other thing.
Here are possibilities as to why your vagina itches and recommended remedies.

If someone has an itching and white, or creamy discharge, it’s reasonably safe to say they have a yeast
infection. If you probably have been diagnosed with yeast infection, you’d be safe to get the medication
over the counter since you will be knowing the symptoms. If not, seek medication and understand what
the problem is.

It’s funny how ladies would use the same soap on their underarms and their vagina but wouldn’t use the
same on the face. The vagina and the vulva have the most sensitive tissues in our bodies that are prone
to allergic reactions. Not to say that we should be having different soap for different parts of our bodies
but we should understand how sensitive our vagina is and find a mild alternative. The bath bombs and
all scented soaps we use have harsh reagents that could make us itch. Ensure to check on detergents
and fabric softeners we use that could cause irritation.

It is simply known as BV and is caused by pH imbalance and bacterial overgrowth. Research claims that it
mostly affects black women due to a certain genetic predisposition. Loose discharge and odor are the
main symptoms for bacterial vaginosis and you can find medication over the counter to create an acidic
atmosphere around your vagina which is good in order to kill off bacteria. If it doesn’t work, seek further
attention from a gynecologist that might prescribe antibiotics.

Your hormones do fluctuate from time to time and during your menses you might end up with a drier
vagina which might cause itching. The time before your menopause begins which is perimenopause,
you’re likely to experience such, due to the drop in estrogen.

Women nowadays have gone to limits of having vaginal facial, calling it ‘vagacial’ which is unnecessary
and the vulva being the most sensitive tissue, the less you do to it the better.
The best remedy for the vaginal itch is ensuring you do not manipulate your vagina with harsh cleaning
substances and eat healthy to ensure the pH is in balance. In case of an infection which you can notice
from your vaginal discharge and smell, see a doctor.