The Joy of cohesive relationships

Relationships can be exhilarating , filled with joy and a great boundful adrenaline of joy or sadness. Its how we manage relationships that really matters. It can help in terms of ensuring we are having healthy relationships and as a result we are happy.

The Joy of cohesive relationships
Source : Yahoo Searches
The Joy of cohesive relationships

Appreciating and being sensitive to the other person’s feelings and emotions is important. For men respect is paramount and cannot be compromised, if it is, it in turn affects the way a couple relates. For ladies, loving them by telling them the same and showing it with actions goes a long way, so does listening and treating them with sensitivity and care.

In today’s world there is a feeling of getting things fast paced. We hardly want to nurture or cultivate good and solid friendships which is really key for relationships that will last. Every good thing needs really plenty of work, anything worth its salt is worth putting in plenty of work and you reap its rewards. If you get into a relationship and you feel it’s not right always trust your gut feeling. Its God given and if its feels that something doesn’t add up or is not right the proper things to do is find out and wisely walk away early enough if you find out there’s an impending problem of an existing one.

Take your time to learn and know someone before you commit to a relationship. If you have people who you value their opinion and you know that their opinion will be unbiased, introduce the person you want to have a relationship to these people and the more they interact, they can sense or pick up issues that you could be blind to,  based on your feelings for this person.