The Need to tame ‘kienyeji’ Affairs

Love is a relative experience attaching parties with common interests. There’s no standard metric that one should pursue to have a perfect affiliation. Finding the right partner to grow a relationship with is the most challenging step in love.

The Need to tame ‘kienyeji’ Affairs

The main aim of any union is geared towards marriage albeit a good number languish at incipiency.
Civilization has brought down a lot of matrimonial cultural practices, especially in Africa where one would be regarded as a pariah for failing to observe traditional norms. 

There are a lot of intercultural relations in the contemporary world which has no barriers as it was in the past. Marrying outside one's tribe is no longer considered taboo. Religious beliefs and other modern doctrines have contributed vastly in orienting cultural practices to what it is. 
A few years back, love was considered an adult affair. Even some couples found themselves in marriage due to many deplorable reasons apart from love. This ignorance began to erode after the enlightenment period when all feelings of different nature were placed in their rightful context. The illumination was good, but could not be free from disadvantages. 
Community love affairs have begun to sprout at a high velocity.

The parties involved obviously had to be cousins or close relatives in the community, mainly united in common chores and games. All stages in childhood had their affection limited while some grew to stalwart infatuations ending in incest. Denouncing such acts by elders from the first case could not invoke any solution and the acts only grew to inapt affairs in the society. 

Even in the twenty-first century, there still exist a number of people who engage in such affairs without considering the validity and durability of such unions. It is common for one to have a feeling towards a lady or a lad from the same community. There’s a lot of immoral content in society and many teenagers are exposed to destruction which they are tempted to practice anywhere with anyone. There’s a lot of infatuation caused by lust with most of them leading to criminal activities. This should not be condoned by the aged/ elders in society because of the unwanted consequences that are felt afterward. 

Everyone should be informed of the real relationships that are healthy to practice from the period they are able to decode information to maturity. This would curb acts of incest that only bring disgrace to the affiliated parents. The youths should also be enlightened that community relationships are not meant for marriage and there are better options outside their own society.