The Only Town In South Africa Where Black People Are Not Allowed To Live In (PHOTOS)

This is Africa's only town where black people are not permitted to reside.

The Only Town In South Africa Where Black People Are Not Allowed To Live In (PHOTOS)
Residents of Orania subscribe to a strong sense of self-reliance, and all jobs, from management to manual labor, are filled only by Afrikaners. Non-Afrikaner workers are not permitted to work in the town unless they have skills none of the residents possess.

Orania is a town in Cape Town, South Africa, that is located in the northern portion of the city. The village is populated by descendants of the colonizers of South Africa. 

Although Orania has no rule banning black visitors, those living nearby fear they will be attacked if they do visit, and the town population is entirely Afrikaans.

The town and its mono-ethnic ideas have been the subject of much press coverage, which is generally negative.

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