Naturally reduce your waistline with these simple remedies

Every lady desires to fit perfectly in high waisted jeans, fitting dresses and all types of attire that define the waist. There is nothing as disappointing as investing in the desired outfit only to put it on and a layer of ' muffin top' interferes with the intended look.

Naturally reduce your waistline with these simple remedies

Crying over spilt milk is not the solution, however. The big question is what can be done to get that small waist size?

The answer is just a hand stretch away, in your kitchen and a simple home-based exercise. Absurd right? Here is the thing, the permanent solution to trimming the waist is 70% diet and 30% exercise. 

Source: Afrique, toned waistline

Doing lots of waist training without minding some basic diet tips is all in vain. Abs are made in the kitchen is a weird but true statement altogether. But what exactly about the diet should be done? Simple and precise. Cutting out on processed carbohydrates is the first step to losing that inch or two on the waistline. Processed carbohydrates consist of lots of sugars and starch from wheat which is a great hazard to the gut. 

Source: Pinterest, small waist line 

Let's get a little scientific..when sugar is consumed, it is broken down into glucose which by the help of insulin gets converted into fatty acids which are stored in adipose tissues of the body especially around the abdomen area. Now this answers why too much processed carbohydrates are adding inches on the waistline. So any time you grab that bread, cookie, pasta etc remember the desired waist definition and drop it immediately.

The second and most simple kitchen remedy to obtaining the intended waist is drinking a glass of water or two before meals. Taking water makes the stomach feel full and thus reduces the chances of consuming more than enough food which is later stored in the body as fat.

Taking water immediately after waking up also helps to trim the waistline by flushing out toxins that accumulated in the gut system overnight giving the stomach a bloated feeling and an illusion of a wider waist.

That being said we can now agree on why abs are made in the kitchen. Now here comes the 30% of trimming that waist in the bedroom. A simple and effective exercise that can be done at the comfort of your bed may be that long term solution to obtaining the desired waistline. ' Vacuums' is a simple exercise that targets the transverse muscles that are responsible for waist definition.

 A vacuum can be done lying on your back on a bed or yoga mat, breathing in deeply and holding in the air for few seconds trying to imagine pulling the belly button towards your backbone. The more conversant you get you may now perform more repetitions and longer holds of air. A great change will be noticed on the waist 4 days into doing the exercise. 

At advanced levels, you may perform the vacuum while standing but for beginners, it is best achieved while lying on your back. Consistency on water intake, cutting on processed carbohydrates and doing vacuums can be the game changer to the long stubborn muffin top.