Eleven Year Old Boy Jumps Off School Building Severely Injuring Himself

Police are investigating an incident in Embakasi where an eleven-year-old boy jumped off the third floor of their school and broke his jaw, both hands, and right leg.

Eleven Year Old Boy Jumps Off School Building Severely Injuring Himself

They were informed that the boy had been rushed to hospital after the jump in an attempted suicide after he was punished for absenteeism by the school's management.

Being reprimanded for missing enraged the child, driving him to jump off the building, resulting in the unfortunate incident.

In another incident, a man is on the run after reportedly pushing his girlfriend from the fifth floor of an apartment in Nairobi's Drive Inn area.

The woman had joined the suspect at his home when a commotion was heard from inside.

Tenants said they heard a crash on the ground floor and went downstairs to find the woman's motionless body in a pool of blood.

During the 2 a.m. incident, she fractured her skull and died on the spot.

Police were dispatched to the area and discovered Kuria was missing from his home, which had been locked.

The body was taken to the mortuary for identification and autopsy.

Police are also looking for a gunman who shot and critically injured a tout in the Allsops region.

The gunman is alleged to have fled shortly after the 8 p.m. shooting.

The bullet pierced the windshield and struck the tout in the back seat, injuring his hand. Two spent cartridges were recovered from the scene and taken for ballistic analysis.

The tout was rushed to the hospital, where he was attended to as the police hunt for the suspect.

The motive behind the incident remains unknown.