Here Is What Chitembwe Declares Over The Ksh770k Recovered From His Pocket

Justice Juma Chitemwa who admitted the recovery of Ksh770k from his pocket asserted the following concerning the amount;

Here Is What Chitembwe Declares  Over The Ksh770k  Recovered From His Pocket

On his affidavited reported by the High Court Judge,Chitembwe claimed the money was for his son's school fees.

He added that his family has a dollar account under his wife 's name, an account he says has lasted for three years. 

He therefore said the US dollars in his account is not enough to make him a suspect as police claimed.

“That after the search, I did remove from my pockets USD7000 that I had been having with me for purposes of paying my son’s school fees at the Edith Cowan University in Australia" the report read.

While defending himself further,the judge added the cash was and remains his legal money meant for his son's school fee in Australia.

“I voluntarily handed over the same to the officers when I saw them do a body search on the 1st interested party so as to avoid any misrepresentation by the said officers as is now misrepresented in for Karisa’s affidavit,” he added.

He claims the said money had been in his possession since July 20, 2021, after his attempt to transfer the money  directly to his son’s university tuition account failed.

In his affidavit the judge also described how he was arrested by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation whle he was  leaving justice Muchelule chambers. He had asked Muchelule to accompany him for a tea at Milimani Law Courts fourth floor.

“Outside the door of the 1st interested party’s office, I met three persons who introduced themselves as police officers and ordered me back into the chamber of the 1st interested party for an operation as they called it”.

The jugde said he was not informed of the nature of crime being investigated not even the accuser.