Amazing!! See This Dog With The Size Of A Young Bull


Amazing!! See This Dog With The Size Of A Young Bull
Amazing!! See This Dog With The Size Of A Young Bull
Amazing!! See This Dog With The Size Of A Young Bull

Different people are in love with a different dog breed. Some like the huge-bodied dogs, such as the German shepherd, Tibetan mastiff, and the Blue Malinois breed, while others prefer small-bodied ones. The huge ones are usually admired because of their good physique and well-built bodies. They are, however, scary to look at hence not being preferred by many people, especially the female members of the society. The small-bodied breed is said to be of aesthetic value, and most of them are accorded the same care that the cats are given. In this article, however, I will talk about a specific breed known as the Belgian blue dog.
This is a rare breed of dog that is often kept in Europe, especially Belgium hence its name. These dogs are admired because of their shredded nature. Their bodies result from abnormal amino acids that cause abnormal coordination in protein synthesis. According to science, their bodies undergo a mutation that leads to failure in the coding of the myostatin gene. Like in the Belgian Blue bull, the transformation occurs during base pairing. Instead of base pairing between guanine and thymine taking place, one of the bases is replaced by another kind of nitrogenous base and results in transversion.  The consequence of this is that a stop codon is coded prematurely and ends the sequence resulting in less production of myostatin that regulates the development of muscles. The result is that the muscles develop in layers hence the abnormality.
These breeds are usually kept by specific people who have a license from the government. This is to ensure that the government holds in tabs the number and the whereabouts of each dog simply because they are beasts and, whenever provoked, can tear anyone into pieces. They, however, need special attention since they are susceptible to pests and diseases just like the blue cow.