Nandi Senator Samson Cheragei Arrested

Nandi Senator Samson Cheragei claimed on social media that he was apprehended on Thursday morning, April 21, and taken to Nairobi for questioning.

Nandi Senator Samson Cheragei Arrested

The reason for the arrest has not yet been determined.

Last month, the Senator caused a commotion at the Milimani Law Courts after a spat with the trial magistrate.

The senator, who is facing hate speech charges, was arraigned on March 29 in a hearing that was overshadowed by his refusal to allow the court to cross-examine a witness without the presence of his lawyer. Cherargei requested a reschedule because his attorney was in another court.

His arrest follows the arrest of Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Mutura by DCI officers on Wednesday, April 20, for alleged theft.

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