Atwoli Moves to Copyright, own ‘Alaa!’ Slogan

The Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Secretary General Francis Atwoli has moved to write to the Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) seeking ownership rights for the now famous and viral words ‘Alaa.’

Atwoli Moves to Copyright, own ‘Alaa!’ Slogan

The move by COTU Secretary-General means you may soon be required to get permission from the COTU boss if KIPI approves his application.

The timing seems perfect for Atwoli with the 2022 general elections fast approaching. Any Kenyan who would wish to contest Atwoli’s application has until December 29 to engage KIPI.

However, they will be required to pay at least Ksh5, 000 while any foreigner will be charged Ksh 27,625 to contest the application by Atwoli.

The famous words originated during an interview with a local station to discuss national matters including the Building Bridges initiative and 2022 general elections, where Atwoli would utter the said words.

“I told you, Jeff, I don’t know who is going to be the President, but I know who is not going to be the President, Alaa Alaa Alaa,” Atwoli said.

The remarks by Atwoli would see it go viral with netizens taking advantage of the words and are widely used on social media as an expression of shock.