Elegant Etiquette Tips On A First Date

First dates can make one feel so nervous. Here are a few tips on how you can have a successful first date that will make you feel elegant and sophisticated.

Elegant Etiquette Tips On A First Date

Observe the schedule.

The first impression always matters; make sure you stick to the schedule on a first date. Arrive at the venue on time, in case you get a little late, communicate to the other party, give a reason as to why and make sure to arrive as soon as possible. For instance, you arrive at the venue earlier than your date, you can order a drink and chill. If they do not show up after 15 minutes, give them a call, their response will help you determine whether to stay for the date or leave.

Do not invite friends or family.

When asked out on a date, it will be respectful not to go with any extra person such as friends and family. The main intention for a first date is for the two parties to get to know each other and converse. Tagging others along may not be the right choice.

Do not ask to be picked or dropped off.

Do not make your date to pick you up or drop you off at your place. Let them offer to do so themselves; it should not be your decision or request but theirs. Have your means of transport to and from the venue; you can take a cab, uber, public transport, or use a personal car.

Do not overdress.

Make sure not to overdo your outfit. Choose an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident; let your neck show instead of your chest. Your outfit should not be too tight, short, or shouting color. Wear comfortable shoes, do not walk on heels that give you a funny walking style; instead, opt for low heeled or flat shoes.

Do not be a glutton.

Order just the right portion of food, eat lightly.  Do not try out a new dish on the first date; it might not meet your expectations. Do not offer to carry home leftover food as takeaway; leave it on the restaurant’s table if so much food is left.

Observe table manners.

Maintain your table manners while at the date. Hold your cutlery correctly, chew the food properly, and do not chew while talking. Know where to place your purse and phone so that you do not overcrowd the table with your stuff.

Do not be on your phone.

Put your phone away all through the date. Do not keep scrolling your phone, taking pictures, and posting on social media platforms. Instead, concentrate on the date, listen to what the other party is saying, observe their facial expressions, body language, table manners and listen to their views. Their behavior and character will help you determine whether to consider a second date with them.

Carry extra cash

Always have a certain amount of money when going on a date; you never know what will happen. Having extra money can save you from some inconveniences.