Form 3 Student Drug Dealer Arrested In Kisumu

Police in Kisumu arrested a form three student who was transporting bhang to fellow students at Rapogi Mixed Secondary School in Kombewa, Seme Sub-county.

Form 3 Student Drug Dealer Arrested In Kisumu

The child had been witnessed selling bhang sticks to fellow students, according to teachers at the school.

According to West Seme location chief Nicholas Oguma, they responded quickly and discovered the student carrying 11 sticks of bhang.
He claims the boy was interrogated and revealed the location of the drugs.

Chief Oguma led an operation to the house and apprehended a woman in possession of over 700 rolls of bhang, as well as 14 litres of changaa and kangaraa used to create the illegal brew.
The two suspects, the mother, and the student were arrested and held in custody awaiting arraignment.