An Angry Mob Beats to Death A 22-Year-Old Man Over Wife Battering In Vihiga

A 22-year-old man has been killed by angry mob in Vihiga county after he allegedly beat up his wife forcing her to seek refuge at her parent’s house.

An Angry Mob Beats to Death A 22-Year-Old Man Over Wife Battering In Vihiga

The man who comes from Ganyamosi Village in Vihiga county was reported to have beaten up his wife after a disagreement.

According to the Area assistant chief Linnet Ong’ayo, the dead man who is identified as Vincent Dangwali, disagreed with his wife, beat her up and forced her to seek refuge at her parent’s house which is in the neighborhood.

The deceased, before his death, was attending a funeral vigil at a nearby home when an angry mob attacked him, beating him up until his death.

According to Linnet also, the deceased had an active criminal case that was still active in court owing to criminal activities he conducted in the area.

The body of the deceased has been taken to Vihiga Referral Hospital awaiting investigations.

The case comes at a time when the country has been experiencing rising domestic violence cases with most researchers citing it to the hard economic times and misunderstanding among married couples.