Secret to constant clear flawless skin

Glowing skin has been a hunt for everyone over the years with ladies being the flag bearers on this. The search for perfect products ranging from soaps, cleansers, moisturizers etc has been a daily task both for the natural remedy champions and companies. One secret that is rarely put into consideration is water. Yes, you read it right water it is.

Secret to constant clear flawless skin

As obvious as it might sound or hard to believe, water is indeed the secret to that desired perfect skin. Come to think of it, all the strain in investing in expensive skin care products is in vain if the cause of that imperfect skin is not dealt with. 

Source: news24, image of lady with damaged skin and flawless skin 

The slogan' garbage in garbage out' can fit so well on how water works to obtaining clear skin. Taking water not only cleanses the gut and all internal organs in general but also removes toxins from the body that pile up and clog the skin eventually leading to inflammatory issues.

The notion from doctors, nutritionists and health ambassadors on 8 glasses a day have become a norm. The only question many people suffering from skin problems follow this 8 glasses a day norm?

Source: Pexels, water

Health consultants advise on plenty water intake for its various benefits healthy skin being one of them.

 Taking water consistently deals with dehydration which is a key underlying cause of dry skin, prone to breakouts. Water increases the production of sebum from the sebaceous glands in the skin which is a natural lubricant that gives the skin the supple feel. The anti-ageing benefits of taking water retains the skin's youthful appearance by tightening the skin.

Skin problems are caused by a wide variety of things ranging from hormonal imbalances, poor dieting and much more which can be dealt with from a dermatologist perspective but this does not debug the campaign on water intake for clear skin.

 An average of 2 litres a day for an adult is a good water consumption level to beat dehydration and increase the natural glow of the skin by brightening the overall complexion. 

It is high time the water becomes the basic skincare product in all skin routines and get backed up by the other products to sum it all up.