Sigalame Boys' High School caught fire on Monday, September 20 night as well as Ofafa Jericho High School. This has been the fourth fire incident within two months. However, Form four Students in Ofafa Jericho are expected back to school on Friday, while form one, form two, and three will report back on Monday. As for Sigalame Boys high school, the Students will report back once the investigations have been done.

The fire in Sigalame Boys High School resulted in the dormitory being burned to ashes leaving over 140 students with nowhere to spend the night. Busia county director of education, Thadeus Awori also demanded answers from the Criminal Investigation Officers.

Also in Nairobi Ofafa Jericho has been closed for three days following a fire incident that was reported on Monday Night.

The incident in Ofafa jericho left many students injured. The Metropolitan Hospital in Buruburu had received at least 50 students. Luckily firefighters were able to put out the fire on Monday, September 20 night. In addition to that, the police were able to find a student who started that fire on one of the dorms.