Police Officers Who Mishandled Their Senior in Kasarani Area Suspended.

Two police officers have been suspended in association with an incident where the two officers mishandled a man only to realize later that he was their senior.

Police Officers Who Mishandled Their Senior in Kasarani Area Suspended.

In a video clip that dominated the social media, Constables Marwa Matiko and Charles Maina allegedly mistreated Mr. Jackson Owino, the Kayole DCIO, after an altercation initiated by a woman smoking in the pub.

According to a police report, Mr.Owino had taken his car to Seasons Lounge for a wash on March 26. He approached Elizabeth Wangari, who was smoking in a no-smoking zone, while in the pub.

Mr.Owino then asked her to stop smoking, but she responded with insults, saying "you should know people" before storming out.

She returned later, escorted by constables Matiko and Maina, who were dressed in police uniform and civilian clothing, respectively.

Officer Matiko is seen pointing his firearm at Mr.Owino several times on CCTV footage collected by the Internal Affairs Unit (IAU). They walk into the screen, pushing and shoving him around, and standing in the middle of the bar in another angle.

Mr.Owino is seen removing his wallet and flipping what looks to be a card, but the two continue to torment him. Officer Maina wrestles him to the ground and handcuffs him.

"The said PC Matiko went ahead to walk out of the bar and fired four 9mm rounds from his Scorpion rifle," Read the statement.

According to investigations, Mr.Owino was disarmed of his Ceska Pistol and marched to the police station while being roughed up. Matiko is claimed to have shot two bullets into the air with the retrieved Ceska handgun as they walked inside the station.

Read Also: https://brightkenyanews.com/a-cctv-footage-has-emerged-of-an-attempted-shooting-of-a-police-officer-and-his-boss-in-kasarani-area