Both Musalia Mudavadi & Moses Wetangula acted in a rush in joining Kenya Kwanza – Mutula Kilonzo

Speaking at an interview on a local television in the country, the Makueni senator said that both Musalia and Wetangula thought that they were going to displace the already existing framework at the Kenya kwanza coalition.

Both Musalia Mudavadi & Moses Wetangula acted in a rush in joining Kenya Kwanza – Mutula Kilonzo

He further equated the situation to what happened during the 2002 grand coalition that formed Narc, saying that those who joined the coalition had been advised that they would not displace any existing framework at the Narc coalition.

Even in 2002, the people who ended up joining Narc were told, join Narc provided you don’t replace the president and the deputy president which had already been agreed.” He added.

During  the interview, Mutula supported Mathira member of parliament Rigathi Gachagua’s sentiments on who would deputize William Ruto’s bid to statehouse.

Gachagua had earlier stated that the position of deputy president for Ruto was being reserved for a leader from the central region.

Gachagua’s sentiments had earlier on been slammed by the ANC party leader, Musalia Mudavadi,  who said that the power sharing of the Kenya kwanza coalition had not been agreed yet and that the Mathira legislator did not have any power to speak on behalf of the Kenya kwanza coalition.

Ford party leader Moses Wetangula on his part said that the Kenya kwanza coalition was not about power sharing but rather providing services to Kenyans.

Kenya Kwanza Alliance is not about sharing positions but service to Kenyans inter alia,revival & growth of the economy, reduction of the debt nightmare, restoration of dignity to our farmers, creation of an equitable society and other pro-people programs.” Read Wetangula’s post.

Kilonzo also stated that the position of the deputy president was reserved for the central region for both the Kenya kwanza coalition and the Azimio coalition..

Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula  joined the deputy president’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party to form the Kenya kwanza coalition during the January 23rd political earthquake.